TAGO Jazz Cafe

TAGO Jazz Cafe (TAGO; translated means "hidden") began as with how most great beginnings start; a group of friends.
With a most varied of backgrounds; a musician, a human resource company employee, a government employee supervisor, and a magician. Decided that there should be a place where true music and artistry can be nurtured.
Where artists of more developed years may still come and expect to be taken care of and not just forgotten as have the years that have passed them by. Where musicians who have been shunned from the mainstream spotlight, may still find open arms to embrace their unique and amazing talents.

We put up a small place of less than a thousand square feet (including the kitchen and storage areas) in November, 2010, hoping to fulfill our dreams.
Building the entire place with our own hands, considering that not one had a background in construction, was a challenge we first faced. Using money from our own hard earned pockets we realized the creation of TAGO Jazz Cafe. As the group built everything from scratch with tools and materials lent by generous friends, it took time, but finally opened its doors to the world a year later; November 2011.
Our goal was to bring music of the less mainstream pop to the masses. With comfort food at very reasonable prices to entice the average "Joe" or "Jane" to spend some time to listen and appreciate the Artists performances and a chance to be blown away by something other than your typical "top ten" music show-band or DJ.
Profits were mostly afforded to provide income to these less "mainstream" or "forgotten" artists with the remainder to keep operations moving. Which is why the partners retained their day jobs.
And all went well! People were beginning to take notice. An international TV Network even took the time to make a short piece featuring TAGO Jazz Cafe! (anc.abs-cbnnews.com/videos/1545/cityscape-july-27-2012/), So did some National newspapers and internet bloggers. The food was even mentioned as some of the best kept secrets in the restaurant scene!
Unfortunately, on August of 2012. An electrical fire broke out from the kitchen and razed TAGO to an non-functioning state. Thankfully, as the event happened in the wee hours of the morning when TAGO was already closed for the day. No individual/s were physically hurt or injured.
As TAGO was hardly making any profits yet, it was not yet insured. The cost financially, physically and emotionally of reviving TAGO proved to be too much for most, but TAGO is still standing!

Our goal is to put up at least P1,000,000.00/$25,000.00 to bring back hope to those who we have already begun to help and hopefully bring hope, and help, to even more of the struggling artists with no voices to receive the just publicity and attention they need.

We thank you for taking your valuable time in reading this and we are even more in gratitude to those who would find the time and resources in helping us out.

With Hope,
Carlos Serrano
TAGO-Our Story

A cozy little place where friends wanted to begin a musical journey for all
Where Music Happens